Hoshi ni Negai wo (星に願いを), A Wish Upon a Star, better known as “When You Wish Upon a Star” in the English speaking world, is a song cover by Michie Tomizawa as Rei Hino for the Sailor Stars Merry Christmas album.
Japanese 希みなく 疲れたひとよ 輝く星に 心の夢を 人は誰も ひとり 星に祈れば 淋しい日々を 人は誰も ひとり 星に祈れば 淋しい日々を |
Romaji Nozominaku tsukareta hito yo Kagayaku hoshi ni kokoro no yume wo Hito wa daremo hitori Hoshi ni inoreba sabishii hibi wo Hito wa daremo hitori Hoshi ni inoreba sabishii hibi wo |
English People who are tired and without hope Give the dreams of your hearts to the shining stars People, anybody alone If you pray to a star, day after lonesome day People, anybody alone If you pray to a star, day after lonesome day |