Karakuriko, the Automaton
(自動人形カラクリ子ちゃん Jidouningyou Karakurikochan)
From “karakuri” (機関) which can mean mechanical doll, this lemures was definitely based off one, Tiger’s Eye’s lemures all have the suffix –ko (子) on their names, this kanji is indicative of a girl’s name (the kanji can mean “girl” or “child”, so all his lemures have names that almost sound like they could be real names (though in the vast majority of cases, the names are too ridiculous but this is part of the joke). Tiger’s Eye, like all the other members of the Dead Moon Circus, addresses his lemures in a particular style, his styling is putting the honourific –chan on the end of their name, this honourific is often used for cute young girls, which are Tiger’s Eye’s primary targets.
Kyokubadanko, the Wild Animal Tamer
(猛獣使い曲馬団子ちゃん Moujuutsukai Kyokubankochan)
A “kyokuban” (曲馬団) is a circus troupe, being a beast tamer of the Dead Moon Circus fits this.
DoKanko, the Human Cannon
(人間大砲ド・カン子さん Ningen Taihou Do・Kankosan)
Dokan “どかん”means “with a bang” in Japanese, which is clear as this character was a human cannon. The reason for the interpoint might be to make the word sound even more explosive when read aloud, but inserting a pause between the two syllables. Hawk’s Eye’s lemures also contain the same –ko as Tiger’s Eye’s, however Hawk’s Eye addresses them with –san, this is a respectful honourific, in line with Hawk’s Eye’s motivations to target older women.
Otedamako, the Juggler
(ジャグラーお手玉子ちゃん Jagurā Otedamakochan)
Otedama (お手玉) is a kind of beanbag juggling game, as a juggler this fits.
Puuko, the Balloon Woman
(風船女プー子ちゃん Fūsen Onna Pūkochan)
The sound “puu” may involve “風“ (fu) which means wind, it may also invoke the sounds of inflating and deflating something like a balloon.
Kigurumiko, the Mascot Costume
(着ぐるみ着ぐるみ子ちゃん Kigurumi Kigurumikochan)
Kigurimiko着ぐるみ, are cartoon mascot costumes, this character resembles a stereotypical one.
Tenko, the Time Bomb Death-Defier of Escape Magic
Jigenbakudan Kesshi no Dasshutsu Magikku Tenkochan)
This lemures is a homage to Tenkou Hikata and even more so, Princess Tenko, two famous illusionists and magicians known for their escapologist work, either coincidentally or not a “koten” 個展 is a “one-man (or in this case, one –woman) exhibition”, some of you may even recall the American television series Tenko and the Guardians of Magic if you are old enough.
Hebihanabiko, the Woman Who Passes Through Walls
(壁抜け女ヘビ花火子ちゃん Kubenuke Onna Hebihanabikochan)
Hebihanabi (蛇花火) means “snake fireworks” which refer to a type of firework that produces a long tail which is a trait shared by this Lemures. “Bikou” (尾行) can also refer to shadowing.
Mizugeiko, who Does Tricks with Water
(水芸ミズゲイ子ちゃん Mizugei Mizugekichan)
Mizugei means “water tricks” 水芸, the “gei” also seems to include “geisha” 芸者 which this character resembles.
Tsunawatarou, who Walks the Tightrope
(綱渡り綱わたろう君 Tsunawatari Tsunawataroukun)
From “tsunwatari” 綱渡り which means “tight-rope”, Fisheye’s lemures are all male and include endings that are common for boy’s names, such as “tarou” here. He also refers to them as –kun which is a common honourific for males. This is in keeping with Fisheye’s desire to target males.
Buranko, who Defies Death, Trapezing Without a Lifeline
Inochiduna nashi no Kesshi Kuuchuuburanko Burankosan)
“Buranko” means “swing”, this lemures swung through the sky on a trapeze. “Kuuchuuburanko” means “trapeze”.
Ayatoriko, the String Using Master
(糸使いの名人あやとり子ちゃんIto Tsukai no Meijin Ayatorikochan)
“Ayatori” (綾取) means “cat’s cradle” in Japanese, this character’s attacks involved playing it.
Gummario, the Sea Lion Acrobat
(アシカ曲芸ゴムマリオ君 Ashika Kyokugei Gomumariokun)
Gomumari means “rubber ball”, “gomu” (護謨) can mean rubber and comes through the Dutch “gom” for “gum”. “mari” (毬)means ball. The –o makes it seem like a boy’s name.
Gittanko, the Hair-Raising Acrobat See-Saw
Senritsu no Akurobatto Shīsō Gittankosan)
Gittan and Bakkon are a pun pair, that represent the up and down sounds and motions of a see-saw.
Bakkonko, the Hair-Raising Acrobat See-Saw
Senritsu no Akurobatto Shīsō Bakkonkochan)
Same as above, some sources call her “batton” (ばっとんこ), however, in the episode however; Tiger’s Eye explicitly calls her “Bakkonko”.
Autobaiko, the Trick Riding Acrobat
Kyokunori Akurobatto Ōtobaikosan)
From autobai “オートバイ” a wasei-term that literally is “autobike”, what in regular English we refer to as a motorcycle.
Mawashitarou, the Merry-Go-Round
(回転木馬まわし太郎君 Kaitenmokuba Mawashitaroukun)
From “Mawasu”回すwhich is a verb which means “to turn”, as in a turning merry-go-round.
Ponko, the Human Pump of Pandemonium
Abikyoukan no Ningen Ponpu Ponkochan)
Ponko is from “ponpu” which means “pump” (comes from the Dutch “pomp”), this character also taps herself saying “pon-pon”, a sound which can refer to tapping.
Kurumiwario, the Nutcracker Doll
(くるみ割り人 形クルミワリオ君
Kurumiwari Kurumiwariokun)
From “kurumiwari” (胡桃割り) which refers to a nut-cracker, that is the literal tool to crack nuts and from “kurumiwariningyou” (くるみ割り人形) which is the Japanese term for “The Nutcracker”, the ballet by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Elephanko, the Ball-Balancing Elephant Tamer
Tamanori Zou Tsukai Erefankosan)
From “elephant” (エレファントerefanto), this character appeared with one.
Shuffleffleo, the Trump User of Sorrow
Kanashimi no Toranpu Tsukai Shafurufuruokun)
From the English word “shuffle”, as in shuffling a deck of cards, part of the word shuffle has been repeated to further convey they idea of shuffling.
Tobihaneru, who Does Trampoline Acrobatics
Kyokugei Toranporin Tobihanerukun)
“Tobihaneru” 跳び跳ねる means “to hop” or “to jump up and down”, fitting for this trampolining lemures.
Mister Magic Pierrot
(ミスターマジックピエロ Misutā Majikku Piero)
Mister Magic Pierrot, a pierrot is a French clown, this male character also performed magic tricks as part of his attacks. It is unclear if this character was actually a true lemures or merely an extension of PallaPalla’s powers, nonetheless he is included here.
GaraGara Musume, the Dream-Eating Snake
(夢喰い蛇ガラガラ娘 Yumekui Hebi GaraGara Musume)
“Garagara” is an onomatopoeic word for rattling, since this character seemed to be based off a rattlesnake. Each of the Amazoness Quartet refers to their lemures differently, matching their own personalities and speaking patterns. VesVes adds “musume” to her lemures, which means “girl”, this matches VesVes and her rather normal speaking patterns. Most Amazoness Quartet lemures also have names that contain doubled sounds, reflecting both the Amazoness Quartet’s names and their childish personalities, since repeated sounds can be associated with children.
KeroKero Musume, the Dream-Eating Frog
(夢喰いガエロケロケロ娘 Yumekui Gaero KeroKero Musume)
Kerokero is essentially the Japanese equivalent of frog ribbiting noises in Japanese.
ManeMane Musume the Dream-Eating Monkey
(夢喰い猿マネマネ娘 Yumekui Saru ManeMane Musume)
From “mane” 真似 which means “imitation”, monkeys are known for their ability to imitate humans which this lemures did during the episode.
GariGari, the Grinding and Playing Turbine Girl
Kezutte Asoberu Tābin Musume GariGarichan)
“Garigari” are grinding noises, such as the grinding of teeth. PallaPalla’s lemures have the suffix –chan, used her for the young cute and girly looks of her lemures.
JaraJara Jou, the Dream-Eating Tulip
Yumekui Chūrippu JaraJara Jou)
“Jarajara” are clinking and chinking noises, like those of a slot machine which this lemures was based off. CereCere uses –Jou, on her lemures, this is a suffix usually attached onto young ladies of higher class, an equivalent might be “Miss”, this is in keeping with CereCere’s very refined and formal mannerisms and speech.
Tobikiri Yarou, the Dream-Eating Acrobat
(夢喰い軽技師とびきり野郎 Yumekui Karuwazashi Tobikiri Yarou)
Tobikiri (飛切り) means “extraordinary” or “exceptional’’, probably referring to this character’s exceptional acrobatic feats, and “Yarou” means “rascal”, “yarou” basically means “rascal”, JunJun’s tomboyish character and mannerisms resembles that of a Japanese Yankee, a delinquent youth, that may explain why her lemures are all male. However, though JunJun has a bit of a tough image, she is actually quite soft and kind, this might be why the word “Yarou” is used instead, she’s a bit of a troublemaker but essentially quite harmless. The name of this character might also just to be set up for a pun JunJun makes during the episode on “tobikiri yarou” (“extraordinary rascal” とびきり野郎 with “tondakiri yarou” (jump-and-that’s-it rascal 跳んだ切り野郎 ).
TogeToge Jou, the Dream-Eating Rose
(夢喰いローズトゲトゲ嬢ちゃん Yumekui Rōzu TogeToge Jouchan)
From “togetogeshi” which means “thorny”, since this lemures was based off a rose.
PaoPao Musume, the Dream-Eating Mammoth “
(夢喰いマンモスパオパオ娘 Yumekui Manmosu PaoPao Musume)
This mammoth-related lemures’ name seems to come from “paon”, trumpeting noises that the Japanese consider an elephant makes.
PeroPero, the Candy Doll
(キャンデー人形ペロペロちゃん Kyandī Ningyou PeroPerochan)
This was a candy lemures, “peropero” means “licking”.
PakuPaku Yarou, the Dream-Eating Carp
(夢喰い鯉パクパク野郎 Yumekui Koi PakuPaku Yarou)
Another onomatopoeic word “pakupaku” is a word for a mouth that flaps open and closed, such as the carp like in this episode.
BiriBiri Yarou, the Decorative Illuminative Catfish
(電飾ナマズビリビリ野郎 Denshoku Namazu BiriBiri Yaro )
“Biribiri” is a Japanese word for the sounds of an electric shock, this lemures was based off an electric catfish.
Written by: Akiko Hime
Edited by: Hikari-Sama