Eilu and An’s Cardians

As part of our Name Origins series of articles, this page intends to try and explain the names of the characters in Sailor Moon. Like many other fiction authors, Naoko Takeuchi and the writers behind the original anime seemed to strive to put some meaning or pun into the names of their characters, though some names are less clear than others.

The following has not been confirmed by Naoko Takeuchi or anyone officially connected to the Sailor Moon series and are speculation based on evidence and knowledge of the Japanese language. Take the following with a grain of salt as it may or may not have been the intention of the original creator.

Below is a list of Sailor Moon anime Cardian. These are the monster of the week used by Eilu and An in the Makaiju Tree arc of Sailor Moon R. In case anyone hasn’t worked it out, Cardian is a mix of Card and Guardian. These characters are quite straight forward compare to other monster teams. Reshi is the only odd one out of them.


Vampir (ヴァんピル Vanpiru

Most likely from the German word for Vampire, “Vampir”. This character had the long teeth of a vampire, and the sucking of energy might be related to the sucking of blood. May also involve “hirugao” 昼顔 which is Japanese bind weed.


Minotaron (ミノタロン Minotaron

From Minotaurs of Greek Mythology, though Minotaron reverses the image with the body of a bull and the head of a woman rather than the Minotaur.


Falion (ファライオン Faraion 

From two words, Falun (法輪) and Lion(ライオン), this character’s overall design was a pink lion but was also themed on the Dharma Wheel which appeared to be its power source. Falun is a Chinese word for the Dharma Wheel that the Japanese also use.


Hellant (ヘルアント Heruanto

This insect-themed Cardian seems to simply derive her name from Hell (ヘル) and Ant (アント).


Leshy (レーシー Rēshī

From Leshy ( レーシー), a Slavic Woodspirit with blue skin. Possibly a vowel-swap of シェリー which is a way, though not particular common of romanising cherry. It may also involve “reishi” which can mean things depending on the kanji used. Significant ideas include, icy stare (冷視) and beautiful figure (麗姿), the name may possibly be from “shidare” (枝垂) which refers to a weeping tree which is suggested by this character’s appearance in the show.


Gigaros (ギガロス Gigarosu

Gigaros is derived from the Greek legend of Ikaros イーカロス (also written as Icarus), which is why this character has large feathered wings and Giga ギガ meaning “Giant”.


Amaderasu (アマデラス/アマデウス Amaderasu/Amadeusu)

Since the Amaderasu spelling makes more sense, we’ll assume the other is a typo. A pun on Amaterasu (天照), a major Shinto deity, Amaterasu is the goddess of the Sun which is why Amaderasu was connected to the Sun.


Seiren (セイレーン Seirēn)

Seirens are Greek creatures that are sometimes equated with the myth of mermaids, which is probably why this Cardian appears like a Mermaid.


Utonberino (ウトンベリノ Utonberino

If one reverse the characters in this name, you get “noribentou”, nori (海苔) is seaweed which is found in many Japanese meals, the Cardian also uses nori to attack. Bentou (弁当) is a kind of Japanese lunchbox that anyone who has seen anime is familiar with. This episode’s theme was making a bentou to convey your feelings.


Bipierrot(ビピエロ Bipiero

Pierrot are clowns of sorts that usually appear like this character, particularly in anime. Bipi might come from the sound of an electrical discharge, which this Cardian uses to attack.


Amanju (アマーンジュ Amānju

From “amanojaku” (天邪久) which are a kind of Japanese demon known for their antagonistic natures, it can also refer to a contrarian.


Mysterious Cardian(謎のカーディアン Nazo no Kādian

This character’s official name, since this character’s appearance was very short. The name is straightforward.


Yamandakka (ヤーマンダッカ Yāmandakka

From Yamantaka, Yamantaka refers to a variety of things and depends on who you ask, most likely the Japanese interpretation Daiitoku Myoo (大威德明王) is featured in this episode, Daiitoku has six faces, similar to  Yamandakka’s four, and sits on a lotus blossom, lotus blossoms, like Yamantaka help to symbolize enlightenment. Yamantaka is associated with the end of a cycle, this may have something to do with being the last Cardian of the series.


Written by: Akiko Hime
Edited by: Hikari-Sama

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