With 2020 being…well 2020, I’ve decided to create a Ko-fi to help support the cost of running Sea of Serenity. I’ve always been hesitant to ask for donations, considering the nature of our content, but the cost went up this year for our webhost on top of some personal income changes that happened this year. Anything donated through Ko-fi will go towards covering the cost of that (don’t worry, its paid for, but it hurt the bank account a bit lol).
All donations are very much appreciated and I will always be very transparent about where the money goes. After covering the cost of webhost, anything after that will go towards paying for extra cloud storage for our files as well as the Jetpack service that we use for security and backup.
We will never ask for money for our translations and all releases are free for all fans. Donating is 100% optional. Times are tough and I know others are in just as rough spots as I am.
Just click the button below to get to our Ko-fi page (also located on the right side). Thank you so much for supporting us for all of these years!