I have been mulling this idea over in my head for quite some time. Many communities and fandoms are using the text and voice chat app, Discord, and I personally use it on a daily basis. As followers may have noticed over the years, I am not very good at keeping up with social media or posting to this website, beyond whenever we upload new content–which at this moment, and probably from now on, will come at an irregular pace. However, it is quite easy for me to chat and keep up with other fans on an app like Discord, especially as I use it on a personal level to keep in touch with friends and my husband.
I’m in a couple of Sailor Moon Discord communities already, but I would love to be able to chat and meet our fans if you are interested. Unfortunately, our translator, Akiko, is a bit old fashioned and would not be joining our Discord, as she doesn’t have an account and has expressed that she is not interested.
Before, I take the time and effort to throw things together and set it all up, I want to know if there is even interest. So I’ve started a poll! Please vote and feel free to comment on this post with any questions or suggestions.
Would you be interested in joining a Discord community for SOS?
- Yes (86%, 50 Votes)
- No (14%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 58

Thank you!