Site Updates
I know it’s been a while since we’ve really posted an update on here. As far as new content and translations go, we are a bit of a hiatus at the moment due to a mixture of real life things keeping both me and Akiko busy at the moment. So things may be slow here and especially on our tumblr for a while. ^^; However, I have a few things I’d like to update everyone on!
1. PGSM is 100% complete!
If you don’t follow our tumblr, then you may have missed that we have uploaded and posted ALL of our PGSM project, including the Act 0, the mini-dramas of Tuxedo Mask and Hina and the Special Act. Yaaaay!
2. We do plan to release Amour Eternal.
Just as soon as we get a hold of a raw copy of it. So please be patient with us. ^^;
3. Name Origins: Youma (WIP)
We’re updating the name origins articles with the youma! So far we have the Dark Kingdom Youma name origins up but expect more as I work on graphics and such for the pages. You can check out our name origins articles here.
And that about wraps everything up for this post. In the mean time, while you are waiting for new content from us, how about you check out what we’ve already got like PGSM or all 25 of the original musicals?