Downloads (1993-2005 Bandai)

Here are the completed musical translations of SeaofSerenity available for download! Just right click and select “Save Link As” to download.

All translations are original by SeaofSerenity. Please do not use, except for private use, without permission.

Video files are Hard-Subbed, you cannot remove the subtitles.
Karaoke files are Soft-Subbed, you can turn them on and off.

How to use the Karaoke files:
Video players like VLC Player and KMPlayer will have options to open a subtitle file, however to get them to play automatically, just name the subtitle and video the same thing and keep them in the same folder! For example “1993Summer.avi” and “1993Summer.ass” in one folder will play automatically with romaji subtitles!

Not for sale or rent.

First Stage:

1993 Summer Gaiden Dark Kingdom Fukkatsu Hen
1993 Summer – Spin-off – The Dark Kingdom Resurrection Chapter
Mirror Link
KaraokeTranslator’s Notes / Lyrics

1994 Summer – Usagi – Ai no Senshi e no Michi
1994 Summer – Usagi – The Road to Become the Soldier of Love
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1995 Summer – Yume Senshi – Ai – Eien ni…
1995 Summer – Dream Soldiers – Love – Into Eternity…
Mirror Link
Karaoke /Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1996 Spring – Yume Senshi – Ai – Eien ni… (Kaiteiban) – Saturn Fukkatsu Hen
1996 Spring – Dream Soldiers – Love – Into Eternity… (Revised Edition) – The Saturn Resurrection Chapter
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1996 Summer – Sailor Stars
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1997 Winter – Sailor Stars (Kaiteiban)
1997 Winter – Sailor Stars (Revised Edition)
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1997 Summer – Eien Densetsu
1997 Summer – The Eternal Legend
Mirror Link
KaraokeTranslator’s Notes / Lyrics

1998 Winter – Eien Densetsu (Kaiteiban) – The Final First Stage
1998 Winter – The Eternal Legend (Revised Edition) – The Final First Stage
Mirror Link
Karaoke /  Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1998 Winter – Eien Densetsu (Kaiteiban) – The Final First Stage ~Senshuuraku~
1998 Winter – The Eternal Legend (Revised Edition) – The Final First Stage ~Final Day Performance~
Mirror Link
Karaoke /  Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

Second Stage:

1998 Summer – Shin Densetsu Kourin
1998 Summer – Beginning of the New Legend
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1999 Spring – Kaguya Shima Densetsu
1999 Spring – The Legend of Kaguya Island
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

1999 Summer – Kaguya Shima Densetsu (Kaiteiban) Natsuyasumi! Houseki Tankentai
1999 Summer – The Legend of Kaguya Island (Revised Edition) – Summer Vacation! The Jewel Expedition Party
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2000 Winter – Shin / Henshin – Super Senshi e no Michi – Last Dracul Jokyoku
2000 Winter – New / Transformation – The Road to Become the Super Soldier – Overture of Last Dracul
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2000 Summer – Kessen / Transylvania no Mori – Shin Toujou! Chibimoon wo Mamoru Senshitachi
2000 Summer – Decisive Battle / The Forest of Transylvania – A New Arrival! The Soldiers Who Protect Chibimoon
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2001 Winter – Kessen / Transylvani no Mori (Kaiteiban) Saikyou no Kataki Dark Cain no Nazo
2001 Winter – Decisive Battle / The Forest of Transylvania (Revised Edition) – The Enigma of the Ultimate Enemy, Dark Cain
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2001 Spring – Last Dracul Saishuu Shou – Chou Wakusei Death Vulcan no Fuuin
2001 Spring – Last Dracul Final Chapter – The Seal of the Super Planet Death Vulcan
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2001 Summer – Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady
2001 Summer – The Birth! The Princess of Darkness, Black Lady
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2002 Winter – Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady (Kaiteiban) ~ Wakusei Nemesis no Nazo
2002 Winter – The Birth! The Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revised Edition) ~ The Enigma of Planet Nemesis
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2002 Spring – 10th Anniversary Festival – Ai no Sanctuary + Memorial Talk & Live Show
2002 Spring – 10th Anniversary Festival – Sanctuary of Love
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2002 Summer – Mugen Gakuen ~ Mistress Labyrinth ~
2002 Summer – Infinity Academy ~ Mistress Labyrinth ~
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2003 Winter – Mugen Gakuen ~ Mistress Labyrinth (Kaiteiban)
2003 Winter – Infinity Academy ~ Mistress Labyrinth ~ (Revised Edition)
Mirror Link
KaraokeTranslator’s Notes / Lyrics

2003 Summer – Starlights ★ Ryuusei Densetsu
2003 Summer – Starlights ★ Legend of the Falling Stars
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2004 Winter – Kakyuuouhi Kourin – The Second Stage Final
2004 Winter – The Advent of Princess Kakyuu – The Second Stage Final
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

Third Stage:

2004 Summer – Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu
2004 Summer – The New Legend of Kaguya Island
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics

2005 Winter – Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu (Kaiteiban) – Marinamoon Final
2005 Winter – The New Legend of Kaguya Island (Revised Edition) – Marinamoon Final
Mirror Link
Karaoke / Translator’s Notes / Lyrics


  1. Hi!!
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful musicals.
    Don’t you have the senshuuraku (last presentation) of Miyuki, including her farewell? I know there are some videos going around, but in a poor quality and mostly without subs. It would be a nice piece to add to the collection.


    1. Sorry, we do not have a fansub of that particular video (if we did, it would’ve been posted already). I may have a RAW file of that but I would have to dig through my files when I’m at home (unfortunately at work D:). I’ll let you know if I do have the raw at least!

      1. At least the goodbye that could be find around appears to be a special bonus from a DVD. Maybe the “senshu” was never released, but only that part.

        1. I’m pretty sure the Senshurakku was never released as a full video but if there are clips on a DVD, I’m not sure which one or if there was ever anything like that on DVD. As far as I know, Miyuki’s shows (and I’ve assumed fankans and bonuses) were never released on DVD. I did find the Spring 2001 Bonus VHS rip among my raw files, which has clips from Miyuki’s final show. I’ve uploaded it to Google Drive.

          Is that perhaps what you are talking about?

          1. Yes, that’s what I was looking for. Thanks!
            As you say, it looks like that the Senshu only was released as a bonus commented by themselves. It’s strange since the last performance was probably the most awaited. Same with Anza, there are released videos from the last and the previous show.

            Thanks for taking your time. I’ve enjoyed a lot the musicals.

            1. I’ve since removed the file from my google drive. I can reupload if you are in need. Please send us an email so I can share the link that way. 🙂

  2. At the end of mugen gakuen mistress labyrinth omake 2002 I see marina and nanami (chibi moon) crying, but I can’t seem to find that full footage anyway. Would you perhaps have that moment laying around anywhere in your files?

  3. Don’t you have SM Musical 2002 – Nao and Yuka Farewel Senshuruaku ~ [Mugen Gakuen Mistress Labyrinth Omake]

    1. I might have that file. The torrent that I got my raws from don’t have them labelled well, but I’m going to upload what I found to google drive and email it to you to see if that’s it. 🙂

  4. Glad to see that my work came in handy 🙂 I’m talking about the musicals of 2000-2002.
    But … you incorrectly encoded the Display aspect ratio for video frame, you have it 3: 2, and in the original it was 4: 3.
    People are now stretched horizontally… It’s not very good 🙂

    1. Hey! I’ve never gotten to talk with you before so thanks for commenting and checking us out. You’re work is SUPER handy and can’t give enough thanks for providing such an amazing resource of raw material for the community. And I noticed I encoded several of our releases incorrectly not too long ago. I just haven’t had the time to go back and redo everything. And we’re in the process of beginning to rework some of our translations so I decided to wait on the encoding end. Hopefully soon in the future we can release better looking subs. 🙂

  5. Glad to hear that 🙂 You did a great job of translating! It’s super!
    If you will remodel these videos, pay attention to DAR 4: 3 and the fact that the video is interlaced, you need to do deinterlacing. And all will be ok! 🙂

    1. We used Avidemux for these releases and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not really all that savvy with using it and it’s settings. I considered using handbrake for our hardsubs but I was unable to figure out how to use the .srt subformat and keep our font styles, so we’ve stuck with Avidemux for hardsubs. If you happen to be familiar with it or heck have a recommendation for another (preferrably free) program, any more advice would be appreciated! Feel free to shoot us an email over at Thanks!!

    1. It’s not currently in our plans but it’s not a hard no either. It depends on what our translator feels she has the time to put out! I’ll let her know that it’s been requested! You certainly aren’t the first one that’s asked. 🙂

  6. Hello! Just wondering if you could seed the torrent “Sailor Moon Collection 8” for a bit as I’m trying to get a few of the flies. thanks! And thank you for providing these very nice video files!

    1. No, we don’t. Sorry! Nosotras no hablamos español. We have allowed others to use our English translations to translate into their native language if you are interested in doing that.

      1. forgiveness! I had never seen your answer and did the query again later. Of course I understand, as is my native language, English is more difficult for me, do you know how I could use the translation from English and pass it into Spanish? iseq add subtitling to it? I don’t know how to do it but well I can learn

  7. I know this my sound weird because im a boy who has autism but i love Sailor moon both the manga witch i own and the anime tell realy epic stories! and they are both prety funny. Thats way i love Sailor moon.

      1. ok thanks for understanding and onther reason i like sailor moon thre realy isint any good cartoons anymore and also because i like astrometry
        thats what realy got me to love sailor moon and god i cant bleve sailor moon is (the anime) is alomst 30 years old at this point. when i first started watching i realy dident think it was that old. Btw i watch the uncut verson aka viz dub/ sub.

  8. Thank you so much for all the videos!! Any chance you could upload the omake, fankan and guide videos as well especially the ones where Nao Takagi appear? I would really appreciate it since on Youtube they’re not in good quality and on seramyuantics are no longer available due to the disappearance of Adobe Flash Player. Please <3

    1. Hi! So we don’t have plans to release our own translations and subs for the omakes, etc. But I did manage to download what was on SeraMyuantics for my own personal archive and I also have several raw files. I’m always happy to share if you could send an email to, we can chat more about it.

  9. Hello! Do you know where can I find the fankanshas of these musicals with subtitles?

    – 2002 Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady Kaiteiban
    – 2002 Mugen Gakuen Mistress Labyrinth

    Thank you so much in advance!

    1. hi there! i’m so sorry that I never replied to this comment. I don’t remember seeing it come in my emails. I dont know if those ones were subbed or not. Would you mind sending an email to us? When I have some free time, I can dig around in my files and ask on our discord server.

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